
2 killed, 1 injured in mishap

The motorcycle that hit a barrier and fell into a canal that led to the death of two persons.*La Carlota PNP photo

Two people were killed while another was injured in a vehicular accident at Barangay Balabag, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, on Friday, September 2.

Killed were Rico Sibonga, 32, and Neil Albert Arquisola, 29.

Arquisola’s brother William, 39, was injured. All of the victims reportedly had no helmets on.

The victims were on board a motorcycle driven by Sibonga, who was said to be under the influence of liquor, when it hit a barrier and fell into a canal, a police report showed.

Police investigation showed that the driver lost control of the motorcycle.

Sibonga was declared dead on arrival at the hospital, while Neil Albert succumbed to injuries hours later.*

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