
12 San Carlos gov’t employees positive for drugs, JOs terminated

Two regular and ten job order employees of the San Carlos City government in Negros Occidental tested positive for the use of illegal drugs, Mayor Renato Gustilo said Friday, Nov. 24.

The JOs assigned to the City Water Works Department and People’s Park tested positive during random drug tests last week, he said.

He did not name the departments where the two regular employees are assigned.

The 94 from the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office tested this week yielded negative results, Gustilo said.

The job order workers who tested positive have been informed that they will be terminated, Gustilo said.

The two regular employees who tested positive will undergo confirmatory tests, he said.

If they test positive again they either will be fired or undergo rehabilitation, Gustilo said.

The random drug tests will continue to ensure a drug free work place in the San Carlos City government, he said.*

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