Digicast Negros

Negros Power removes posts in middle of road

Negros Power starts removing the electric posts on the road.*

The Negros Electric and Power Corporation has started clearing electric posts and wirings in the middle of a section of Luzuriaga Street in Bacolod City.

The clearing of the electric posts along the street is to ensure that the four-lane road can be passable for vehicles, Negros Power said in a statement on Tuesday, August 6.

The clearing came after a concerned citizen complained about the road situation during the radio program “Isugid kay Mayor” of Bacolod Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez.

According to the report the street had only two lanes that were passable and the other two were used as makeshift taxi bays because dozens of electric posts had not been removed from the middle of the road.

Negros Power aims to clear the road in five days with the cooperation of telecommunication firms whose cables are also hanging on the electric posts.*

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