Digicast Negros

Negrense softbelles set to battle for quarterfinals

Negrense softball girls lost to Delaware, 3-0*

The Negrense softball girls lost to the Delaware District 3 host team in the World Series Little League Softball Girls Seniors Division 2022 in Delaware, USA, but still have a chance to make it to the quarter finals, Negros Occidental Provincial Sports Coordinator, Anthony Carlo Agustin, said Friday, August 5.

They lost to the Delaware team, 3-0, on Thursday (Friday in the Philippines).

But they are in high spirits as they prepare to battle the South East of Florida Team to qualify for the quarter finals 3 p.m. Friday (3 a.m. Saturday in the Philippines), Agustin said.

The Negrense softbelles have won two of the four games they have played in the World Series.

The team is supported by the Negros Occidental provincial government led by Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson, Agustin said.*

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