Digicast Negros

Workers protest Wednesday to seek congressional help

A progressive workers group together with various sectors in Negros Occidental will stage a protest to call on legislators to address the concerns of the sugar workers and other laborers, in front of the Fountain of Justice in Bacolod City on Wednesday, February 21.

The Partido Manggawa Negros said on Tuesday that it is calling on the senators and members of the House of Representatives to resolve the demands of the workers.

Among their concerns are wage hikes, regular jobs, assistance from the effects of El Niño, tiempo muerto and hunger, delivery of better social services and protection of workers’ rights, it said.

PM Negros is also urging the implementation of International Labour Organization’s Convention No. 190 that aims to eliminate violence in workplaces, and the Magna Carta of Workers in the Informal Economy.

The rally is expected to be attended by representatives from youth, religious, lawyers, students, academe, women, and labor sectors, which will start with a march from the Rizal Park going to the FOJ.*

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