Digicast Negros

VMC medical mission serves 140

About 140 residents of Barangay Purisima, Manapla in Negros Occidental , availed of the second free clinic organized by Victorias Milling Company (VMC) at the Canetown Subdivision Basketball Court during the weekend.

Dubbed “Barangay Ko, Love Ko, Kaayuhan Ko,” the medical mission intends to bring health services closer to the people especially during this pandemic, a VMC press release said Wednesday, March 23.

“VMC decided to bring medical care and attention to our constituents in Brgy. Purisima, seeing the challenges they’ve encountered in seeking medical help under the pandemic situation,” Minnie Chua, VMC Foundation president, said.

Chua added that this is going to be a series of medical missions which started in February where about 150 patients were also served.

“We plan to have this monthly; and if necessary, we will hold this for the community more frequently in the coming months to ensure that we provide direct and continuous medical care for the people,” she said.

Chua also thanked volunteer doctors, Jun Hismana and Ira Mikkaella Genobis, nurses Dina Mentino, Nerva Helorentino, Jeadan Tipon and barangay health workers Grace Leonida, Joan Maravilla and Catherine Gabino who made everything possible along with the members of the VMC CSR team.

By holding these regular consultations with our volunteer health workers, we hope to be able to promote general well-being for the residents in Brgy. Purisima, Chua said.*

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