Digicast Negros

Taytungian community honors legacy of Oscar K. Anglo Sr.

Unveiling the Commemorative Marker for Oscar K. Anglo Sr. by Tay Tung past president Alfonso Luis Tan with Oscar Anglo Jr., Board of Trustees president Dy Kian Kun and Eduardo Anglo (l-r)*

The Bacolod Tay Tung High School Community recently honored the late Oscar K. Anglo Sr. with a commemorative marker celebrating his legacy both to Bacolod City and to the TayTungian Mission of Education.

The unveiling ceremony and blessing, which was held at the school lobby on September 28, was organized by the BTTHS Board of Trustees led by its President and Chair Dy Kian Kun, said Dr. Marie Therese Jochico, school consultant, on Tuesday, October 3.

The affair was witnessed by the members of the Anglo family represented by Oscar Anglo Jr. and Eduardo Anglo. The school community led by Principal Philip Carpina included representatives from administrators, faculty, and student leaders.

The program included messages from Dy Kian Kun and past BOT President Alfonso Luis Tan who both narrated the exemplary leadership role of the honoree, Oscar Anglo Sr., in the acquisition of the school’s Libertad campus.

Well known and fondly remembered as a leader of the Fill–Sino community, Anglo served for 36 years in the Tay Tung Board of Trustees, eight years of which (1972-1980) he served as president and chairman.

The Tay Tung Board of Trustees, Anglo family members with the principal and representatives from the faculty and student council.*

The Commemorative Marker for Anglo (Dec. 25, 1905 – Aug. 11, 1997) acknowledged with great admiration, his consistently simple lifestyle, no matter the changing status of his own life, and cited his legendary selfless and encompassing generosity borne out of his personal empathy for those who face economic challenges.

Anglo was also cited for his outstanding, courageous, and pioneering contribution to the vision of integration among Filipino–Chinese communities in Negros Occidental.

The Taytungian Community gratefully cited his exemplary and unwavering support for the mission of education because he believed in its life-changing potential, as evidenced by his own lifelong learning initiatives and the innumerable scholarships he has given to the poor yet deserving students.

Oscar Anglo Jr., in his response in behalf of the family, narrated his personal witnessing of his father’s benevolent empathy for the poorest in society, and all the sacrifices he made in his lifetime of unwavering commitment to serve the community.

He thanked the Taytungian Community for the singular honoring of his late father, and acknowledged the program organizers and preparations led by Trustee / Academic Committee Chair Dy Kian Bee.

The activity ended with a thanksgiving luncheon reception.*

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