The Sugar Regulatory Administration acknowledges that there is a shortage in refined sugar being used by the beverage industry, Acting SRA Administrator David Alba said Tuesday, August 23.
“We are currently consolidating the data as to how much is really needed so we can recommend the necessary actions we need to take to the President,” he said.
However, while they know that Coca-Cola is in a critical place in its sugar needs, Pepsi and RC Cola still have available supply as far as SRA records show, he added.
“The Sugar Board just took office and we ask our industry partners to indulge us with some time so we can address this issue based on established facts,” he said.
The Sugar Board was convened by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday and was directed to immediately come up with Sugar Order No. 1 setting Sugar allocations for crop years 2022-2023. The Sugar Board recommended that all sugar for this crop year be classified as “B” sugar for the domestic market, Alba said.
“There will be no allocation for the US quota. This will of course be subjected to thorough consultation with all industry stakeholders,” he reiterated.
They also discussed Sugar Order No. 2 which recommends the importation of 150,000 metric tons of refined sugar.
“While in principle this has been approved, we still need to draw up the mechanics covering this order after consultations as well,” Alba added.*