Digicast Negros

Sexagenarian nabbed for homemade guns

Norppo photo

A sexagenarian was arrested by the police in his house at Barangay Anibong, Ayungon in Negros Oriental today, December 4.

Nabbed was 66-year-old Policarpo Bantayao, also known as “Carpo.”

Joint operatives of the Provincial Intelligence Unit, Regional Intelligence Division-Region 7, 2nd Provincial Mobile Force Company, and the Ayungon Municipal Police Station swooped down on the house of the suspect to implement a search warrant for violation of Republic Act 10591 or the “Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.”

Seized from the suspect were two homemade 12-gauge shotguns with four ammunition, and a .38 caliber revolver with no markings.

The suspect, who will face criminal charges, is now detained at the town police station.

Col. Bryant Demot, Negros Oriental police director, said they will continue to intensify their operations against those with loose firearms in the province.

He also warned those who still illegally possess firearms to hand them over to the authorities or face charges and end up behind bars for violating the law.*

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