The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board unanimously approved a resolution Wednesday, June 23, urging the Regional Inter-Agency Task Forces to facilitate the request for additional vaccines against COVID-19 for Western Visayas, RTWPB labor representative Wennie Sancho said.
It was strongly suggested by the RTWPB that the Department of Health allocate unused vaccines for the workers, he also said.
The labor sector manifested that the government should be consistent with its priority program amid allegations that the “palakasan system” still prevails and getting vaccinated is a “matter of whom you know”, Sancho said.
The labor sector is calling for the vaccination of workers in Western Visayas to keep the economy afloat, Sancho, who is also General Alliance of Workers Associations secretary general, said.
Sancho said he is pessimistic that the economy will recover if the primary social economic force are not vaccinated.
He said in a RTWPB virtual meeting Wednesday it was reported that about 1,446 business establishments had stopped their operations in Negros Occidental, while in Iloilo about 725 had closed shop as of September 2020.*