This year is a special year – a Jubilee Year. I’m personally excited about it because I truly believe that every Jubilee brings with it a windfall of graces and abundant blessings. We remember the jubilees celebrated in the Old Testament when properties were returned to their original owners, debts were condoned, prisoners freed, and slaves emancipated. Even the land was not planted with crops to give it rest. The Jubilee is a time of grace from God for all to have a new beginning and start a new life.
Today the Church continues to observe the same spirit in the Jubilee it celebrates every 25 or 50 years. It is special time for renewal and conversion. As Pope John Paul II explains, “For the Church, the Jubilee is a ‘year of the Lord’s favor,’ a year of the remission of sins and of punishments due to them, a year of reconciliation between disputing parties, a year of manifold conversions and of sacramental and extra-sacramental indulgences on a larger scale than at other times.” (TMA, 14)
The theme of the Jubilee Year 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope.” It reminds us of who we are. We are pilgrims in this world for we do not belong here. We are only passing through as we journey towards our true home where the Father awaits us. And knowing that our journey is not an easy one but one full of difficulties and pains, failures and frustrations, the Holy Father could not have chosen a more fitting theme. Hope, indeed, is what the world and the Church needs today more than ever.
In their pastoral letter published last week, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) pointed out the stark realities that plague today’s world and society. Among others, they mentioned apathy and indifference in the face of murderous attacks against life, the traumatic effects of disasters due to climate emergencies, the increase of poverty caused by the rise of unemployment and the price of commodities… In government, political dynasty has become so endemic and corruption so systemic that the people feel stuck and totally helpless. The bishops could only echo the question that haunts them, “May pag-asa pa ba?”
At the end of the letter, the bishops answer the question with a loud and resounding “Yes, there is hope. May pag-asa pa.” This is precisely what Jubilee 2025 is about. True, we are pilgrims in this “valley of tears,” but we do not journey alone. Christ is with us. He is Emmanuel, God with us. And so, we are pilgrims of hope. Our hope is even made surer because Christ does not only walk with us but leads us on our way to the Father’s house. In fact, he IS the way to the Father. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (Jn 14:6)
Today’s gospel talks about Peter who returns from his night-long fishing at sea without a single catch. One can only imagine his utter frustration and sense of helplessness, not to mention his humiliation. Now comes Jesus who tells him, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” How does Peter, a veteran fisherman, take this command from a carpenter who knows nothing about the sea? I would not know. Yet he surprises us with his response, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.”
At the start of the new millennium, there was much uncertainty and pessimism about the future. Even the movies projected a devastated, dark and apocalyptic world, dominated by AI and vicious machines… What awaits us in the new millennium? How do we enter it?
In answer, Pope John Paul II quoted Jesus’ words to Peter, “Duc in altum.” (Put out into the deep.) Do not be afraid for Christ is with us. This was the reason for the Great Jubilee 2000. It was a celebration of the 2000th birthday of Christ. Christ was with us 2000 years ago. He is with us today. And he will be with us in the future. In fact, he is already there awaiting us for a big catch. The logo of the Great Jubilee tells it all: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and always. (Hb 13:8)