Digicast Negros

New NONECO manager takes oath before Javi

Victorias Mayor Javier Miguel “Javi” Benitez congratulates  Engineer Wilbe Bilbao (right) after administering his oath.*Javi Benitez FB photo

The Northern Negros Electric Cooperative (NONECO)   has a new general manager.

Engineer Wilbe Bilbao took his oath as new  NONECO general manager before  Victorias Mayor Javier Miguel “Javi” Benitez at the  Victorias City Hall on Friday, June  28.

“I personally saw him in action during the six-day widespread power outage in Victorias last August 2023, as he maneuvered the restoration of power in Victorias Substation along with the other hardworking engineers, technicians, and linemen of NONECO,” Benitez said in a Facebook  post.

 “Hence, it was an honor officiating his oath-taking today”,   Benitez  said.

Bilbao has almost two decades’ of experience in the electric cooperative and served as NONECO’s Technical Services Department Manager in 2021 until he assumed his current position,  the mayor said.

 He was also designated as OIC general manager of NONECO  from December 2022 to June 2023.

“I have no doubts that he will make a great general manager, leading NONECO in moving forward to sustainable progress and development. I am looking forward to the significant contributions he will make as a leader, serving the entire Northern Negros, especially at this time that we face pertinent power crises and concerns,” Benitez said.

The new NONECO president is  Felix Gustilo, he added.*

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