The municipality of Ilog, being one of the active and supportive agency in the livestock development program of Negros Occidental, has received, through its Municipal Agriculture Office, 97 heads of genetically improved free-range chicken (FRC) breeder stocks from the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO).
The dispersal of quality genetics of FRC extended by the Provincial Government through the PVO to various LGUs and farmer associations is also a part of COVID measures in easing economic recovery among Negrense families by increasing their income through egg and meat production which will ensure food security and poverty reduction.
Engaging in free-range chicken (FRC) production has become an alternative source of daily income among Negrense as it does not require big financial investment and has become a suitable business venture at this time for an emerging small-scale enterprise.
The FRC stocks dispersed is sourced from the nucleus farm at Provincial Livestock Breeding Center and Dairy Farm (PLBCDF), Brgy.La Granja, La Carlota City, which have been known to contain high quality protein and budget-friendly especially to small-scale farmers who cannot afford to buy commercial feeds as raising FRC sourced from PLBCDF only requires low-cost production inputs in terms of housing and feeds.
In line with the agricultural productivity and food sufficiency of ABANSE Negrense, PVO is in continuous undertaking of its turn-over of animal livelihood/dispersals for this CY 2021 with orientation and technical trainings extended to animal raisers/associations.
Moreover, PVO is closely working with LGUs especially in the Municipality of Ilog in the implementation of more livestock projects through the initiative of the local chief executive.