Digicast Negros

Guv issues EO placing seven LGUs under AL1

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson has issued an executive order placing seven local government units in Negros Occidental under Alert Level 1 and the rest of the province under Alert Level 2 until May 31.

Executive Order No. 22-19, Series of 2022, released Tuesday, May 17, placed the cities of Sagay, Victorias and La Carlota, and the municipalities of EB Magalona, Pulupandan, San Enrique and Candoni under Alert Level 1.

Fully vaccinated incoming travelers to Negros Occidental are still required to present COVID-19 vaccination cards.

Those who are partially vaccinated or unvaccinated must present non-reactive antigen test results prior to travel, or undergo tests provided by the provincial government free of charge on arrival, Lacson said.*

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