Digicast Negros

End ‘fake people’s initiative’, stop fooling people: lawyer

Cesar Beloria Jr. and Sr. hold up forms they are circulating in Bacolod City for the withdrawal of the “people’s initiative” signatures.*CPG photo

The campaign against what has been dubbed as a “fake” people’s initiative to amend the 1987 Constitution will officially be launched in Bacolod City on Saturday, January 27, lawyer Cesar Beloria Jr. said on Thursday.

Stop fooling yourselves and the people by continuing to campaign for an initiative that will rob the nation of its democracy, Beloria said, in his message to its proponents during a press conference in Bacolod City.

Beloria said the proponents of the people’s initiative are calling for the House of Representatives and the Senate to vote jointly on the proposed amendments in a constitutional assembly.

This would mean that the 24-member Senate would be overpowered by the 316-member House of Representatives, he said.

This would deprive the Senate of its check and balance powers and rob the nation of a democratic process, Beloria said.

All 24 senators on Tuesday, in a manifesto opposing the people’s initiative, said “while it seems simple, the goal is apparent. To make it easier to revise the Constitution by eliminating the Senate from the equation. It is an obvious prelude to future amendments, revisions, or even an overhaul of the entire Constitution.”

Beloria said his campaign is aimed at assisting Bacolod residents in withdrawing their signatures in support of the “fake people’s initiative” because they did not understand what they signed and were unaware of its consequences on democracy.

He is circulating a form that residents can sign, which states that they are withdrawing their signatures in support of the “fake people’s initiative”, Beloria said.

Beloria said some officials in three Bacolod barangays have already indicated their support for his campaign.

He said his campaign is an uphill battle but somebody has to stand up for what is right. The campaign for residents to withdraw their signatures will also raise awareness on the consequences of the so-called people’s initiative, Beloria said.

Beloria’s father, retired prosecutor Cesar Beloria Sr., who is supporting his son’s campaign, warned that while the Philippines is supposed be a democratic nation, there are some who are moving to deprive the people of it through their “people’s initiative”.*

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