Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo and two councilors tested positive for COVID-19 ahead of President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit to Dumaguete City Monday afternoon, May 24.
Remollo, in a statement, said he underwent an RT-PCR test as a requirement for attendance at the National Peace and Order Council meeting hosted by Dumaguete City Monday, which was presided by President Rodrigo Duterte.
“I remain asymptomatic and have isolated myself,” Remollo said.
“Regular functions of government will continue in my physical absence as I will still be working while in isolation. I will also be continually abreast of the daily affairs of the city,” he added.
“COVID-19 is by far the most treacherous of all viruses. It unwittingly strikes when one is in the company of friends, family and co-workers,” Remollo said.
Dumaguete Councilors Karissa Faye Tolentino-Maxino and Michael Maxino Bandal have also tested positive for COVID -19.
Bandal told DIGICAST NEGROS Tuesday, May 25, that when they found out that the mayor had the virus he and Maxino asked to be tested for COVID-19.
Bandal, who has a slight cough, said he and Maxino tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday.
“Even before the test results came out, we had already taken precautions to protect the people around us by putting ourselves under quarantine,” Bandal said.
They have already informed authorities of persons they may have had close contact with, he said.
“Considering, however, that memory is oftentimes frail, we might have missed some details and might not been able to remember all those persons we have been in contact with,” he said.
“This being the case, we would like to ask all of you to take the necessary precautions and inform immediately our city health office in case you have been in contact with us for the past seven days. COVID-19 is no joke.” Bandal added.
Contact tracing is underway and they are waiting for the test results of the other councilors, Bandal said.
On Monday, there were 177 active COVID-19 cases in Dumaguete City.*