Digicast Negros

Covid hits Familiaran

Bacolod Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran has been hit with COVID-19 and is under home quarantine.

He had a sore throat and fever on Sunday and immediately self-isolated, Familaran said on Wednesday, December 14.

His fever was from 39 to 40 degrees on Sunday and Monday and on Tuesday he tested positive in a rapid antigen test.

Bacolod Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran has been hit with COVID-19 and is under home quarantine.

He had a sore throat and fever on Sunday and immediately self-isolated, Familaran said on Wednesday, December 14.

His fever was from 39 to 40 degrees on Sunday and Monday and on Tuesday he tested positive in a rapid antigen test.

On Wednesday his fever had subsided but he will continue to remain under home quarantine, Familiaran said.

Familiaran said he has had two booster shots against COVID-19 and the rule is for one to remain under home quarantine for five days.

The vice mayor said he has been very careful and continues to wear a mask.

He does not know where he got the virus, Familiaran said.*

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