Four fishermen were apprehended for alleged illegal fishing off the coast of Hinigaran town, Negros Occidental, on Friday, August 25, the police said.
The Bantay Dagat Task Force apprehended Robert Sapio, 44, Ramil Alarcon, 35, Gerald Miraflores, 25, and Jan-Jan Geanga, 33, for alleged illegal fishing near the territorial waters of Hinigaran.
Recovered from the fishermen were motorbancas, fishing nets, a wooden board, and other fishing paraphernalia worth P33,000, the police said.
They also confiscated fish catch worth P10,400 from the fishermen.
All of them were fined P5,000 each for violation of the municipal ordinance of Hinigaran and the recovered items are now under the custody of Hinigaran Municipal Agriculture Office.*