Digicast Negros

Consumers group opposes Ceneco general assembly


A group of power consumers is vehemently opposing the holding of the 43rd Annual General Membership Assembly (AGMA) of Central Negros Electric Cooperative on September 26, saying it poses a danger to the health and lives of its consumers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Unity Forum of Consumers in the Power Industry (UFC-PI) in its resolution said the AGMA gathering would trigger the spread of the COVID-19 virus, particularly the Delta variant.

The holding of the AGMA is unnecessary, impractical and it is not indispensable to the continuous operation of Ceneco, the resolution said.

Dan Pondevilla, Ceneco acting general manager and project supervisor, said the AGMA will be held virtually via Zoom, there will be no huge gathering of people.

The AGMA will be held for the consumers to be informed about CENECO’s operations and accomplishments, Pondevilla said.

There is an urgent need to amend the constitution and bylaws of CENECO before the holding of the AGMA in order to safeguard the rights and welfare of the consumers, the UFC-PI resolution said.

There are also apprehensions that some board members might use the AGMA as a platform to ratify their past actions and decisions , which are perceived to be in violation of policies and guidelines of power industry regulators, the resolution said.

The manner of selecting the few who will attend the AGMA is highly questionable as it will discriminate consumers who are critical of the board and management, the resolution added.

“It will not be a general assembly but a gathering of pseudo-consumer groups under the patronage and guidance of some board members and top cooperative officials,” it said.

The resolution was signed by Wennie Sancho – Power Watch Negros Advocates Inc. secretary general, Teddy Macainan – Alliance of Concerned Transport in Occidental Negros chairperson, and Rodolfo Song – Consumers Alliance for Reform president.*

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