Digicast Negros

CLO to issue demand letters for Manokan vendors to vacate

The Bacolod City Legal Office is sending demand letters   to 26 vendors at the Manokan Country on Tuesday, June 4,   to vacate their stalls by July 5 and to pay the arrears on their rent. 

Bacolod Mayor Alfredo Benitez said the vendors initially agreed to transfer to the temporary site set up for them by SM while the new Manokan Country is being built. 

The temporary site is at the parking lot of SM in front of the current Manokan Country where a new building will be built.  

However, they have since sent him a letter with demands after so many discussions and everything seeming to be okay, Benitez said. 

SM built them temporary stalls on the premise that they will transfer, he pointed out. 

The deadline for them to transfer was May 31. 

One vendor has opted not to transfer to the temporary site but will avail of a spot when the new Manokan County building is built by SM, City Legal Officer Romeo Carlos M. Ting Jr. said. 

Ting said the others will given up to July 5 to vacate. 

Benitez said within the 30 days from the issuance of the demand letters a bidding for the stalls prepared by SM for those among the vendors who are interested will be held. 

Those who will be given a space at the temporary site will also  have a space at the new Manokan building being built by SM, Benitez said.* 

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