Digicast Negros

Benitez seeks national gov’t help for more classrooms, teachers

Prospero de Vera III, Commission on Higher Education chairman, and First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos (1st and 3rd from left) in Iloilo City on Monday.*Liza Marcos FB page photo

Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez is seeking national government help for more classrooms and teachers in Bacolod City to meet the growing number of students.

Benitez said he discussed the needs of the schools with Prospero de Vera III, Commission on Higher Education chairman, who along with First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos attended the SUC (state universities and colleges) Fair 2023 in Iloilo City on Monday, July 10.

“The applicants for enrollment are much much higher than the capacity of our educational institutions so we need to build more classrooms and train more teachers, which chairman de Vera acknowledged,” Benitez said.

Benitez said 6,079 applied to enroll at the Bacolod City College and only 1,800 could be admitted.

“Our student population is increasing and our facilities cannot catch up, not just at BCC but in all the public schools in the city,” he said.

Benitez said distance learning can be introduced at BCC as a short term solution to the lack of facilities, he added.

He is working on tapping national government funding for more facilities at the BCC, Benitez said.*

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