Digicast Negros

62nd IB troopers ready to secure BSKE on Monday

The Army’s 62nd Infantry Unifier Battalion held a send-off of its troops on Thursday to secure the upcoming Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) in Central Negros.*62IB photo

The Army’s 62nd Infantry Unifier Battalion held a send-off of its troops to secure the upcoming Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE), in Barangay Libas, Isabela, Negros Occidental, Thursday, October 26.

In support and partnership with election officers and other security forces in the 62IB’s area of operations, the Unifier troopers are equipped and prepared to perform their mandate to safeguard democracy – the power of the people to choose leaders through free and fair elections, Lt. Col. William Pesase, its commanding officer, said.

“Our main purpose is to ensure that the people of Central Negros will vote for whoever candidate they want to vote for without any fear or intimidation,” he said.*

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