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3 of 4 found positive for drugs in La Carlota cleared on retesting

The drug testing at the La Carlota City gym on Thursday.*MyLa Carlota FB page photo

Four employees of the La Carlota City government tested positive for drug use on Thursday.

However, three of the four tested negative when subjected to confirmatory tests at accredited Department of Health laboratories on Friday, September 15, Mayor Rex Jalando-on said.

The four were among 674 permanent, contract of employment, and casual plantilla employees of the La Carlota City government who underwent surprise drug tests at the city gymnasium on Thursday.

Jalando-on said the employee who tested positive again will be have to undergo rehabilitation.

If the employee refuses to undergo rehabilitation it will be grounds for administrative sanctions and possible dismissal, he said.

Drug tests will also be conducted on the city government’s about 800 job order workers later, Jalando-on added.

The drug testing is in compliance with City Ordinance No. 2022-011, which establishes a drug-free workplace in the LGU.

The failure of any official or employee to comply with the drug-testing requirement may serve as grounds for filing of administrative charges, the mayor said.*

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